A few weeks ago, I promised my friend, Stanley Roberts (a well-known journalist who uses video to capture people doing dumb things) that I would post about a Facebook scam that he recently encountered. And then life got in the way…but here it is.
Given the tie-in with what I do in my work, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share his example of how so many people are being duped on social media. In our world of working from home, this can lead to some pretty impactful consequences to your business.
Check out the following video and be sure share this with your users as part of your security awareness and training efforts. My kids and I have learned a TON about driving and laws of the road from Stanley over the past several years and I think you’ll enjoy (and be entertained by) this video and his other content.
Oh, and here’s another one where Stanley is scamming the scammers. I love his conversation with “Michael”. 🙂
Train your users, folks! As Black Country Communion said in their song “Man in the Middle”, You can’t see the light ’til you open your eyes…and the eyes of others.