Want to learn the essentials of vulnerability and penetration testing? Looking for insight into which testing tools you need to use to get the job done right? Maybe you need help in determining the difference between the vital few security vulnerabilities and the trivial many that sidetrack so many people? Perhaps you need help selling information security to management and keeping them on board with what you’re doing? Well, if any of the above apply to your situation, you should check out the fully-updated, 6th edition of my best-selling security book, Hacking For Dummies.
I spent well over 100 hours updating this new edition to cover what I think are the most important areas of security assessments, analyzing IT risks, and running an overall vulnerability management program. Oh, and you’ll appreciate this, I got rid of those annoying references to “ethical hacking”. It’s, no doubt, the most solid edition of Hacking For Dummies since it first came out 15 years ago.
There’s a reason this book is in its 6th edition and is one of the all-time best-selling books on information security. I hope you’ll check it out here.
Here’s the official press release: