I wanted to share with you a few new pieces I’ve written for TechTarget and Cygnus on incident response, compliance for systems integrators and the not-so-sexy but all-too-important technology, identity and access management:
The importance of incident response plans in disaster recovery
Regulatory compliance requirements for security solutions providers
Identity Management’s great bang for the buck
Also, here are some webcasts I recorded for TechTarget, Information Week/Dark Reading and SecurityInfoWatch.com that you may be interested in:
Managing network security threats with an ERM strategy
How Security Breaches Happen and What Your Organization Can Do About It
Building and deploying secure video and access control systems (a.k.a. ethical hacking tips and tricks for video and access control systems)
As always, be sure to check out www.principlelogic.com/resources.html for links to all of my information security whitepapers, podcasts, webcasts, books and more.