• So, when it happens to YOU it deserves attention…?

    16 Jun 2008

    So, U.S. Representative Frank Wolf’s computers have gotten hacked into…Now he’s wasting everyone’s time on the House floor by calling for greater protection of congressional computer and information systems. What a dummy!

    Mr. Wolf: computers are getting hacked left and right day in and day out in business and in government. So now that you’ve been victimized we all of a sudden need tighter controls!? How about obeying your own law Mr. Wolf..?? It’s called FISMA. It’s over 6 years old now. Get to know it…

    SIDE NOTE: Here’s a great quote from the Wikipedia entry on FISMA that sums it all up:
    “Many other Federal officials believe FISMA can be improved, but Congress does not appear to have FISMA high on its agenda prior to the 2008 elections.”