• My new security vulnerability scanning service

    04 Jun 2009

    Well, I’m officially on the SaaS market. I’ve just launched my security vulnerability scanning service for both basic external security scans as well as the PCI Council’s mandated Authorized Scanning Vendor (ASV) scans.

    Here’s what I just posted on my Web site:
    Whether you need to minimize your investment in information security and compliance, you’re in need of an easy way to discover the low-hanging vulnerabilities, or you need help certifying your compliance with government regulations such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GLBA I offer managed security scanning service that can provide everything you need. You simply tell me which IP addresses you want to scan, tell me when you want them scanned, and pay for the scans up front. I’ll run the scans and send you the results in a PDF report. You’ll get up and running immediately. No hardware to setup. No licenses to buy. No systems to configure. No data center operational costs. No support costs. And no need to hire people with the right skill set to manage the process. Click here for more information on my security scan service.