There’s a Japanese proverb that says “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” You may have also heard that if you don’t have goals for yourself you’re doomed forever to achieve the goals of someone else.
Well, I’ve got a challenge for you. Take 1 hour this weekend and dedicate it to working on your goals. Whether you need to start from scratch or just want to take your existing goals to the next level, all it will take to transform your career and your life is to work on fine-tuning your professional and personal goals.
Don’t worry about having to go out and buy some self-help books and spending hours learning the techniques. I’ve done the legwork for you. All you need to get started is in my most recent article I wrote for
Eight steps to accomplishing your IT career goals
If you’re open to this sort of stuff and are willing to do what it takes to make things better in your life, these things work. They’ve worked for me and many, many others. Why not try it out?