Here’s some new content I’ve written recently on various information security topics you might be interested in:
Government Security: Uncovering Your Weaknesses (common vulnerabilities I see when performing security assessments for municipalities)
Eight questions to ask yourself before moving to C-suite management (are you really sure you want to do this!?)
IT career paths: Working for yourself is an attainable dream (if you want to stop working for the man)
Top 9 ways to prevent hacking in your enterprise (seriously, you can if you get these basics in check)
How to form a functional enterprise IT security committee (okay, I use the word ‘functional’ loosely, but it’s nowhere but up from here right!?)
In the meantime, check out my website for links to all of my other information security-related content.
Don’t Let Problems Stop You From Carrying Out Web Application Testing (before ‘Too Scared to Scan‘ was cool 😉
Mobile app software: Avoid the perpetual cycle of insecurity
Hybrid security: Beyond pen testing and static analysis
Mac Malware Underscores Why You Can’t Ignore Web Security Threats
Do You Scan with Network Security Controls Enabled or Disabled?
Take Care in Handling the Results of Your Web Application Testing
Much more to come on web and mobile security testing…It’s what I love doing and I’ve learned a tremendous amount while doing it over the past decade.
In the meantime, check out my website for links to all of my other information security-related content.
– See more at:
Don’t Let Problems Stop You From Carrying Out Web Application Testing (before ‘Too Scared to Scan‘ was cool 😉
Mobile app software: Avoid the perpetual cycle of insecurity
Hybrid security: Beyond pen testing and static analysis
Mac Malware Underscores Why You Can’t Ignore Web Security Threats
Do You Scan with Network Security Controls Enabled or Disabled?
Take Care in Handling the Results of Your Web Application Testing
Much more to come on web and mobile security testing…It’s what I love doing and I’ve learned a tremendous amount while doing it over the past decade.
In the meantime, check out my website for links to all of my other information security-related content.
– See more at: