You know how most people don’t really understand the professions of others with whom they mingle or interact with? You know, retail clerks typically don’t understand IT, doctors don’t understand accountants, used car salesmen don’t get landscaping and so on. Information security is arguably one of the cloudiest and least understood for those who aren’t exposed to it on a daily basis.
After reviewing the headlines of my emails today I had a deep thought about this. Imagine if our colleagues, friends and family members kept abreast of the information security happenings from sources like Dark Reading, Slashdot, FierceCIO, NewsFactor and so on and saw headlines such as:
…and so on. Even if it were for just a week, I think they’d start to see what we’re all up against. Maybe people – and society – would start to get information security.
I suppose this all goes back to awareness and buy-in. Two things information security just doesn’t have enough of these days.