A sincere “Thanks!”
Mar 2010
Frederic Bastiat once said “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that justifies it.”
In the same spirit, I want to send out a sincere and heartfelt Thanks! to all my fellow Americans who voted for “Hope” and “Change” putting a Marxist-loving community organizer into power that has led to the passing of this healthcare “reform”monstrosity.
- I want to thank all the people who cannot think long term.
- I want to thank all the people who do not take responsibility for their own choices and actions.
- I want to thank all the people who vote for a living.
- I want to thank all the people who use the police power of government to mooch off of others who actually work for a living.
- I want to thank all the people who believe that government can solve all their problems.
- I want to thank all the people whose selfish dependence on government takes top priority above all.
- I want to thank all the people for supporting politicians who want to force their ideals upon us for the sole reason of gaining control of us and maintaining their own political power.
- I want to thank all the people for supporting politicians who could only pass a bill by manipulating and cheating a well-defined set of rules and procedures.
- I want to thank all the people who believe that Socialism and Communism are “other people’s problems” – things that America could never evolve into.
- I want to think all the people who voted for George W. Bush and all the other spineless Republicans who have played a big part in where we’re at today.
And finally,
- I want to thank all the people whose desire for “Hope” and “Change” have helped diminish the opportunities this country had to offer my kids and my future grandkids and, instead, created a scenario for everyone to work harder with less payoff.
I’m just furious at what we’ve let this country become. The wars that have been fought…the lives that have been lost…the toil our Founding Fathers endured….All of that to end up like this.
Shame on us.