• 05 Sep 2007

    Why I love testing Web applications

    I get the question "What part of security do you like the best?" quite often. The first part of my response is always "security testing". Any given network has lots of weaknesses - regardless of how much it's locked down and I love trying to find and point out all the flaws. [My wife used to say I was really good at pointing out other flaws, but I've since worked ...

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  • 05 Sep 2007

    Welcome to my new blog!

    It's taken some time to put the technology together, but I've finally done it! I'm officially on the blog bandwagon. Still building out some functionality - but the basics are up and running.What I talk about here ties in with my Security On Wheels audio programs. Thanks for checking in and joining me in this adventure. Many security opinions, commentaries, and insights to come!...

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