• Speaking in Boston @ the CDW + TechTarget security seminar next week

    12 Sep 2011

    I hope you’ll have a chance to join me in Boston next week when I’m speaking at the TechTarget / CDW seminar: Predictive Security: Plan Ahead to Stay Ahead of the Next Threat.

    Boston, like several other upcoming events, is a 2-track seminar where I’ll be giving the keynote and splitting the breakout sessions with my friend and roadshow colleague Pete Lindstrom among other vendor experts. [sidenote: Pete’s the real draw at these events, I’m just there to fill in the gaps….seriously, he’s good.] After the keynote, breakout sessions of your choosing and a great lunch, we all get back together around 2pm and close out with a lively Q&A for which we’ve gotten great feedback.

    If you can’t make the Boston event or one of the other 2-trackers in Philly or New York this fall, I’ll be leading two 1-track events in Phoenix and Raleigh coming up shortly as well.

    Here’s a sampling of audience feedback of my keynote and three breakout sessions at recent shows:

    • Very good information, Great speaker
    • Well laid-out, solid points/arguments, encouraged involvement
    • Super
    • Informative, broad, excellent!
    • Mobile devices discussion was very good and insightful
    • Informative and aligned with current issues
    • Great – Clear – Real-time Current examples of industry security
    • Good intro keynote
    • Knowledgeable and personable
    • Kevin does a great job – Good choice
    • Very real life knowledge not just preaches – He feels the pain, that is great! What an honor to attend!!!
    • Current real life examples is the best information that can ever be given at any seminar. A+++
    • Lots of good group discussion
    • Plenty of great examples, specific tools, crowd discussion, etc. Plenty of good info to take back
    • Best of the day. Most valuable. Good discussion.
    • Kevin’s presentation was great
    • Very relevant – focused on concerns that most of us seemed to have about mobile security
    • Kevin is a great speaker/teacher
    • Learned lots – Had a great time – Thank you! Very Much!
    • Good technical info, plenty of things to take back for further use or investigation. Not too much kool-aid/sales pitches.
    • The content was good. I’m not a security guy so my interest is limited. It was at a good level of complexity
    • Although I was not here all seminar, what I saw was good – need more 1 day seminars
    • More relevant to my job function that I had anticipated — thanks!
    • Security is a concern of upper management – This seminar provided me good information to take back to the organization
    • Loved the fact that you gave us tools
    • Great insights again – thanks for sharing some of the tools and hacks
    • Liked location; kevin is a very good speaker
    • Multi-tracks are a great idea! Continue with panel discussions/Q&A in future seminars
    • More speakers like Kevin Beaver

    Hope to see you there!