I truly believe that Newt Gingrich is currently setting an excellent example of how we should live our lives. He’s principled. He’s unwavering. The man is unbreakable. Sure, he has made some bad choices and has stuck his foot in his mouth a few times. Answer me this: Who hasn’t!?
Look at what the liberal media and those who are threatened by his ideas are throwing at him this week. How does he respond? He keeps stays focused on the long term – what he stands for and where he’s going.
Whether you like Newt’s ideas or not, there’s a lot to be learned from him and what he’s going through this week. When the going gets tough, at work, home or elsewhere – know that if you dig down deep and keep trudging through what life throws at you, you’ll not only become a stronger person but you’ll know that what you fought for was right…and nothing in the world can take that away.