• Dear Neal Boortz,

    18 Jan 2013

    With this being your final day on the air, I thought it would be appropriate for me to send you a note of thanks for all you’ve done for me the past 20 years or so that I’ve listened to your radio show. Rather than wax poetic in paragraph format I want to list out the things you’ve taught me that have greatly enhanced my life.

    Neal, you have taught me:

    • To be an independent thinker
    • To question liberals and conservatives – especially those who want to force their ideals upon us and control us using the police power of government
    • To work hard, really hard – and then keeping on working some more (the 40 hour work week is for losers indeed)
    • To take care of my health
    • To appreciate every moment with the people I really like to be around (I really miss Royal too)
    • To not be afraid to speak my mind if I feel strongly about something (you helped inspire the name of my company, Principle Logic)
    • To read, read, read and take in as much knowledge as possible
    • To be a better writer
    • To hold people accountable
    • To laugh
    • To go all out

    My late mother, Linda Beaver, used to call me Neal Boortz Junior…all the time. She loved you too. I know she’s happy for you as well.
    With each day that passed this week, I got a bit choked up knowing that I was one day closer to losing the very inspiration and insight that has helped me reach such a great point in my life. Around 11:58am today, as you were signing off, it all came to a head and I broke down.

    I owe you a debt of gratitude Neal. A big one. I wish I could repay you somehow.

    Most importantly Neal, e n j o y  y o u r  r e t i r e m e n t. You’re a very lucky man because of all the luck you’ve created – now go have some fun! Just know that you’ll be greatly missed.

    Adios MFer! 😉

    Kevin Beaver