Richard Carlson once said “Be careful what you ask for….sometimes your life is pretty darn good exactly the way it is.” He went on to say “Think carefully through what it is you think you want, because you just might end up getting it, which is often more than you bargained for – more frustration, more grief, more travel, more responsibility, more conflict, more demands on your time, and so forth.”
These words can apply to so many facets of IT and information security. Keep this in mind especially if you’re searching for a job or thinking about changing careers…or if you’re assuming the grass will somehow be greener on the other side. Maybe yes, maybe no.
On a related note regarding time management, it’s easy to overlook the fact that when we take on something new we have to give up something else. There’s only so many of us to go around. Good example of less is more – especially when it comes to having peace of mind.