Here’s an interesting bit about something our legal system is going to have to try to get its arms around. In essence it’s jurors using mobile phones to access the Internet to learn more about the trials they’re currently serving on. Wow – talk about unintended consequences.
I suspect that one of these days, in a few more years once Big Brother has really established himself, we’ll have some really advanced contextual controls on what we do – maybe even how we think – in these situations. For instance I imaging the courts will have the ability (and power, of course) to flag that a person is currently serving on jury duty, force the telecom/Internet companies to monitor for any activity contextually related to the case, and report back to the what has taken place.
The juror(s) go against the will of the courts are all of a sudden in a position of having to find themselves their own attorneys. I’m not saying jurors shouldn’t listen to what their told to do by judges on such cases. I have the highest respect for reasonable rule of law. I’m just concerned about the politicians with their self-centered intent (ha! isn’t that all of them?) seeing the opportunity in technology such as this. It’ll be introduced as a neat way to “help” society that’ll end up being used against us. Just watch what’s going to happen with the mileage tax. It was recently shelved but it will come back and many of us independent thinkers will regret letting it happen.
I’m telling you folks, as wonderful as technology is at facilitating business progress and making our lives easier – not to mention helping to pay for our salaries in IT/security – I’m convinced it’s going to eventually be the facilitator of the downfall of America and the world as we know it.