If you’ve ever wanted to play around with Metasploit – the free pen test/exploitation toolkit – but you didn’t know where to start….well, here’s an interesting site I came across that hosts free trial versions of software known to be vulnerable to attack using Metasploit, etc..
Oh, if you need a quick primer, check out the following articles I’ve written on Metasploit as well:
Metasploit 3.1 updates improve Windows penetration testing
Metasploit 3.0 security testing tool – free easy and improved
Using Metasploit for real-world security testing
Metasploit: A penetration testing tool you shouldn’t be without
…and finally, this book on Metasploit that I contributed to (tech-edited a few chapters) has some good content:
Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing, Exploit Development, and Vulnerability Research