Have you ever had a need to run a program and get a relatively small amount of data just to do your job but end up getting caught in the complexity of the application and not getting what you need after all? That’s happened to me a bunch.
Well, NorthWest Performance Software (makers of a long-time favorite of mine: NetScanTools Pro) has a new tool that helps resolves this problem called NetScanTools LE. Designed for law enforcement investigators (hence the “LE”), prosecutors, corporate security folks and the like, NetScanTools packages the ability to gather information on IP addresses, domain names, hostnames, and email addresses all in one concise program. It’s for the non-technical types who just want the basics…get in and get out. Given its investigative approach, the tool is case driven and includes timestamps and even packet capturing to help investigators prove they did what they say they did while gathering their data. It’s really inexpensive to boot.
Included functions are:
The following screenshot shows the clean interface of NetScanTools LE:
While I’m on the subject of cool tools, if you’ve never checked out NetScanTools Pro, you really should. It’s chock full of even more utilities (all in one place, albeit bordering on the complex) those of us in IT and security can benefit from. I have a need for such tools on practically a daily basis.
Furthermore, Kirk Thomas who heads up NorthWest Performance Software is very attentive and eager to get feedback on his products in order to make them better. And based on our conversations I like how he thinks.