I have to admit, when my colleague Marcos Christodonte first approached me about reviewing his new security awareness book, Cyber Within, I thought here’s yet another book on boring old security awareness. I was wrong. Cyber Within takes a very unique (suspense novel-like) approach to address the problem we have with employees and information security. And it works.
The book is a quick read – just 47 pages – but it’s just enough to help drive home the message that employees are our worst enemy when it comes to security. The book also has some cut-out forms in the back for reporting incidents and employee quick tips you can use during your security training.
The argument could be made that everything in the book falls into place too easily but I still think it’s a good read and a good resource. Kudos to Marcos. Heaven knows we need some original – and non-plagiarized – material in our field these days!
You can check it out Cyber Within on Amazon by clicking the book cover below: