I wanted to let you know that my new Security On Wheels mini audio program is now produced and ready to go. It’s called Certifications, Degrees, or Experience – What’s Best for Your Security Career? This audio program (which comes packaged in a 24 minute MP3 file) addresses what you need to focus on in order to properly educate yourself and stay sharp so you can work more effectively, earn more, and become a security leader.
In Certifications, Degrees, or Experience – What’s Best for Your Security Career? you’ll learn:
* The various types of security certifications
* How hiring managers view certifications
* What to expect with certifications
* Whether college degrees are worth the time, money, and effort
* Ways that college degrees have helped me in my work
* Great ways to get good hands-on experience
* The negative aspects of hands-on experience and how to avoid them
* The answer to the question regarding what’s really best for your information security career
You can even listen to a 55 second sample clip from this audio program here.
Before you spend years of your time and potentially tens of thousands of dollars, learn just what you need to know to get ahead in this field…And it’s only $9.95.
Check it out at http://securityonwheels.com/cde.html if you’re interested…and tell others about it too.
More good stuff to come…
All the best!